If they come from your heart, and you seek Him with your heart, then yes, they could be from God’s Holy Spirit.
But just as easily, we can be influenced by the World and its evil. It is a matter of taking our thoughts in captivity (seeing their purpose and where they come from, if they are good or bad)
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2nd Corinthians 10:5)
And by focusing on the thoughts we trust and have tested to see that they from God, we will find the answer we need to hear in His Purpose for us. If there is something you know you need to do, but really don't want to, that is normally God. Our flesh, the selfish part of us, doesn't want to submit. We rebel in every way we can. Music, drugs, ‘relationships’, anything and everything we can turn against God and use to destroy His Plan for us. (While the Devil plays a “fiddle of gold” in celebration…)
And if God has to make something horrible happen to bring us to our knees in order to realize He is in Control and we need to follow Him alone, and let go of the world and allow Him take the reigns of our life and our choices, He'll do it.
It is best to focus on Him now, before we make the wrong choice, and end up paying for it down the road.
I find that many people think that simply because we're forgiven, that means we no longer have to pay consequences for what we do. Yet it says there is no sacrifice for willful sin, so if we do something we know we shouldn't, ignoring God, and turning from Him, even if unintentionally, though we repent and will be forgiven, there is still a price to pay.
Every choice has an aftermath.
If we choose God, our aftermath is more of a reward.