One must only reach a hand into the darkness to help bring another into the light.
It doesn’t take much soul-searching to realize, and to admit to yourself, you’ve needed some one to be that hand for you, many times throughout your life. We’ve all needed that extra assurance that someone cared enough to help us. When the rest of the world kicks us while we’re down, we are always seeking the condemning crowd for a face promising more than rebuke and a hand offering more than retribution. And by the birth and death of Jesus Christ, and through the washing of His Blood and the power of the Holy Spirit, we’ve been offered that hand. Though hard to find at times, or simply forgotten to be sought after, and often concealed by doubt, His Hand has always been there. For everyone. And often times He sends someone into our lives to be a reflection of His Hands, to help us rise from the pits of our existence, pray on our knees, and finally to stand and face the world. And, above all this, above His Comfort and His Peace, above His Love and His Power, above all, is His Mercy and His Grace, and the honor He has bestowed on anyone willing to humble themselves to His Will and take His Hand, so that we should submit and He might lead you through life, like a parent leads a child, rearing us away from harm and picking us back up should we let go and stumble along the way.
Take His Hand, my fellow Lions, let Him guide you. He has promised to never lead us astray nor forsake us in times of need. He will never desert you. Never block you out. And never once forget, forsake, or fail to forgive you.
With my love and His~ Arial, Lioness of God
Trust in the Lord at all times and lean not unto your own understanding. For HE is all powerful and ready to save us. He has written our names on the palm of His hands. We have been purchased by His blood.
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