Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who We Are

We are all God’s children. And every single one of us is loved unconditionally, which means no matter how much we fall away from His Teachings, He’s still waiting for us to turn and run back to Him. There is always going to be a pair of open arms for us to crawl into and be sheltered from the world, even if we can’t see them. There forever will be Someone to wipe away every single tear, even if we’re still crying. He’s promised to always be here, even if we don’t trust Him to catch us when we choose to fall. Darkness flees from the Light, same as the torments of your life will when you give God ultimate control. So don’t ‘fit in’, don’t lose the definition of who you are for the world’s benefit. Don’t think that the only way out is to fall into the traps and trials set before you. Don’t change what you are, a Child of the Most High, for ANYONE. Our lives can be ended so easily that it is scary to think one minute we’re here and the next we’re before God’s throne. That’s why we have to make it count in the small amount of time we’re given. Nothing we will ever do will make us better than anyone else. But that doesn’t mean we should conform to a fallen world. We have to stand up in it, be proud to be His sons and daughters, yet be humble enough to realize we’re no better than those we witness to. We have Christ inside of us only because He sacrificed Himself for our sins, and offered us forgiveness and Grace so we may have the highest honor and undertaking to call ourselves Christians, reflections of Christ Himself. He’s as present and powerful today as He ever was. Your friends, your teachers and even your enemies will see Him in you and ask themselves ‘what makes him/her different?’, and in that little thought the gates of their mind and heart will be opened enough to let God in. That is our calling. Go into the World and preach the good news to all creation. In His name we will “drive out demons, speak in new tongues, place our hands on snakes and not be poisoned, lay hands on the sick and they will get well.” (Mark 16:15-18.) We have the power of the Holy Spirit. We have the opportunities through our everyday lives. We have His Promises. All we lack is the courage and faith to be the Lions we are called to be. We are meant to dance and sing when others are silent and act when others are afraid. We are to pray in Jesus Christ’s name while others curse in it. See the world through His eyes and act with His hands, listen through His ears and speak in His words. Take Courage in being His Warriors, courage to face the world and bring others to Him. Take Pride and Honor in the life and body He has given us, by using it to His glory. Take Comfort in knowing the most powerful, evermore being in existence has YOUR best interest at heart. Know you are Loved by the Promises of His Word and the beauty of His Grace. And take Peace, my friends and comrades in our Lord, in the thought that no matter the hell this life may seem like, by the healing Blood of Jesus, you’ve been promised a Heaven that will last for eternity.
With my Love and His, Arial ~ Lioness of God.

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