Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What have you to lose except your pain?

    No matter how much you feel like it, you are never alone. This comforts some and scares others, but nevertheless it is true. Whether you're standing in the midst of a crowd of your peers, wearing a plastic smile to match theirs while feeling as if no one couldn't care less if you even existed, much less accepted the invite. Or sitting on a half deserted bus, headphones in ears, bitterness in heart, thoughts no one should ever think swirling in your head... Or seemingly alone and forgotten in your room, and your only companion and confidant is the computer. God's here. He's always here. Feeling alone and being alone are two different things.

    I know, I've been there. It's hard to trust that God knows what is going on inside your heart every second of every day. Its hard to not want to completely withdraw from the world when it has hurt you so many times. And it is hard to have to realize this world isn't perfect, that the people who live here aren't, our lives will never be perfect, or ideal, we will always have our faults, and that the only perfect One is Jesus. And it's really, really, hard to grasp how no matter how many times you are the one to stab Him in the back, He's always willing and ready to be your best friend...
    But it is true. God is a God that comes to us on our own level, in order to 'meet us halfway'  in a sense of words. He became human to get closer to us. He gave us His Holy Spirit so we will always have Him in Us. And He is now waiting, waiting for you to find Him in the midst of the storms and chaos. Waiting for you to seek Him and only Him when the world crashes around you. Waiting for you to use Him as an escape, rather than the drugs, music, blades, and lighters. Waiting for you to realize that He doesn't care how messed up you feel, He can heal you, and give you the Love you're desperate for. Give you that Hope that you just can't seem to find. Give you a peace that surpasses all understanding, so that regardless of the situation, you feel Him with you. Don't keep Him Waiting <3 <3 Let Him in. Pray Him into your heart. So that you too, will know what it is to be a child and a Lion of God.

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