Saturday, August 27, 2011

It’s a Relationship.

        I believe that although Christianity is a 'religion' by all standard and common definitions of the word, it is often deemed as being nothing more than just that, a ritual, something passed down from parent to reluctant child, outdated, and banal in the more recent generations. Countless times I have heard the phrases and pejorative terms cacophonously muttered about my 'brothers and sisters' and have personally been called unrepeatable names and labeled as a "religion shoving (verb, adjective)," but truthfully, I understand why certain people believe this way. When history itself describes my faith as a zealous, somewhat insane practice, when so-called modern society lays upon all of us as a whole the stereotypes of a thousand exaggerations, when we ourselves often lack unity and conviction, when we falter and are subsequently called hypocrites, it would be seem exceedingly undermining. But their words cannot hurt me or change my beliefs because this isn't a religion. It's a Relationship.

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