Tuesday, September 13, 2011



I cannot stress this point anymore than He already has. He will have no other gods before Him. Period. Whatever you define yourself with, whatever you let consume you, is your god. Even if what it is, is done in the name of God, it is wrong.

Your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your job, your money, your charity work, your friends, your status socially, how much attention you can get, how much appreciation you receive, sex, drugs, pornography, too much co-dependence on another individual for the needs only He is supposed to provide. All these things are commonly allowed to take the place in our heart where only God needs to be.

It can be so sneaky, but it is so very, very crucial that it is fixed as soon as possible. God Himself admits to being a jealous God, and will only put up with our antics and selfishness for so long before He allows something to happen to us that will bring us to our knees, and make us put Him back on the throne of our hearts.

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